Yipple.com - Free email for everyone

Yipple.com Disclaimer

The legal stuff...

Yipple.com is a free email service provided to you "as is." Yipple.com uses its best efforts to maintain the Yipple.com email service, but is not responsible for the results of any defects that may be found to exist in Yipple.com, or any lost profits or other consequential damages that may result from such defects. You should not assume that Yipple.com is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

We manually check all new Yipplers to keep the system free from spammers. Please don't get upset if your email address is deleted within a few days of you registering; we work hard to make Yipple as fast and efficient as possible; this includes proactive removal of suspicious email accounts.

If you are caught spamming or engaging in any other illegal activities using the Yipple service we will cooperate fully with your local authorities. Lets keep the internet for what it was intended for!


